[2024] The price of remoteness: product availability and local cost of living in Ethiopia
Florian Mayneris and
Ewane Théophile
Journal of Economic Geography, Forthcoming |
[2022] The factory and the hub: an anatomy of Canada’s import dependence on the US
Florian Mayneris,
Canadian Public Policy, Volume 48 Issue 3, pp. 360-373 |
[2020] Price discrimination within and across EMU markets: evidence from French exporters
François Fontaine and
Isabelle Méjean
Journal of International Economics, Volume 124, May 2020, 103300
prepared for the 2019 NBER-ISoM meetings |
open access
[2020] Are clusters resilient? Evidence from Canadian textile industries
Kristian Behrens and
Brahim Boualam
Journal of Economic Geography, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 1–36
lead article |
pdf |
[2017] Fiscalité des entreprises et paradis fiscaux: une étude sur données canadiennes
with Cristian Stratica, L'Actualité Économique, vol. 93(3) 2017
[2015] High-end variety exporters defying gravity: micro facts and aggregate implications
Florian Mayneris
Journal of International Economics, Volume 96, Issue 1, May 2015, pp. 55-71
pdf |
online appendix |
[2014] Low-wage countries' competition, reallocation across firms and the quality content of exports
Isabelle Méjean
Journal of International Economics, Volume 93, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 140–152
pdf |
[2013] Price dispersion and the euro: micro heterogeneity and macro implications
Isabelle Méjean
International Review of Economics and Finance (special issue - P. Bergin and F. Ghironi), vol. 26(C) 2013, pages 70-86
[2012] Markups, quality, and transport costs
European Economic Review, 56-2012, pp. 777-791
pdf | 2012 Best Paper Award of the European Economic Review.
[2010] Euro et dispersion des prix à l’exportation
Isabelle Méjean,
Économie et Statistique, 435.436-2010 (special issue - M. Crozet and L. Fontagné)